about good pursuits

The Good Pursuits blog has been a part of my heart for a long time coming. I didn't know exactly what form this passion would take and I suppose there is still plenty of unknown ahead. But I am overjoyed that this desire is finally coming to fruition. A desire to share my words. A desire to communicate with people and for that communication to come straight from my heart, mind, and soul and to do whatever (hopefully) wonderful thing it will do when it reaches others.

Brevity is not my strong suit. I have always been talkative. My report cards dating all the way back to kindergarten will attest to this. My dad is an incredible (and lengthy) storyteller and I have definitely taken on this trait. I value words and communication dearly, too dearly to cut them short. I treasure the freedom to express myself. I cherish reciprocal communication with others and appreciate their willingness to share a part of themselves with me. As much as I am a talker, I am also a listener. Knowledge, understanding, and empathy are generated from shared thoughts and experiences. Investing effort on both ends is necessary. I believe communication is invaluable. I have experienced the blessings of good and intentional communication and have reaped the sorrows of poor or unrequited communication.

In the midst of difficult circumstances, communication is especially important. I have experienced pain in ways that no one should have to and many never will, especially not in their young life (check out the "My Story" tab). I am also keenly aware of the negativity and hurt floating around this world in unfathomable amounts. I know that to some, my illness journey is unimaginable. I also know that to a few others, my experiences would seem like a walk in the park. Pain is as relative as it is real. The reality of negativity, hurt, and evil in this world is difficult to swallow. We cannot escape it and cannot help but be slapped across the face with it sometimes.

So what can we do?

I have come to realize that we must be in pursuit of good things. We live in a fallen world where hard times, difficult challenges, and downright miserable seasons of life will undoubtably come along. We've all realized by now that dodging most of these is nearly impossible. Well, if you can't beat 'em, what do you do? Join 'em! Wrong. You tip the scales in the other direction. You fill your life with good pursuits.

A few years ago, I heard about a "one word" project. A few women I knew were participating, choosing one word that spoke to them and would be a source of encouragement for them throughout the entire year. While I never participated in the project myself, I couldn't help but obsessively think about what word I would choose for my life. I got so frustrated that I just started to aimlessly pick words that sounded good. Adventure. Joy. Embrace. Yes. Chocolate...? Nothing felt right.

One morning during private bible study, it all fell together. Not only did I gain clarity about my "word", but I had an overwhelming certainty about what I needed in my life and where my path should aim. This revelation was delivered in the form of a verse: "seek peace and pursue it" - Psalm 34:14.

My word would be pursue.

This verse and this word have become my anthem. You are reading this blog because of that word. I have lost so much in the past nine years due to my illness. My independence. My ability to sing. To dance. To perform. To be around friends or loved ones whenever I need or desire. To graduate on time. It all went out the window.

All of my efforts, each and every day, need to be deliberate. I need to constantly be in pursuit. The word "peace" in this verse can be replaced by many other words. As a source of encouragement to myself, I replace "peace" with other things so that I will continue to put effort into being in pursuit. In pursuit of happy. In pursuit of Jesus. In pursuit of good relationships. In pursuit of health. In pursuit of helping others. In pursuit of my education. In pursuit of good days. In pursuit of vitamin d when I'm not getting enough time out of bed (seriously, though).

I know now that I must pursue these things. My circumstances are a bit different, but I believe that this type of pursuit is what God intended for us. I anchor these thoughts to that verse. I will admit that I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that this was not the entire verse. Things fell together even more beautifully when I saw how it began:

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it".

Wow. Do good. Pursue.

I want to set my heart on these things. I hope to share this journey with others. I am overwhelmed when I think of all the good pursuits that are at our fingertips. I want to talk about them. Discover them. Be honest about the pursuit. Understand just how valuable these good pursuits are, from the serious to the silly.

I hope to always be in pursuit and I want those pursuits to be good.

And there you have it, the origin of good pursuits.

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